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How to join a virtual class session as an instructor?

< 1 min read

As an instructor, you should first join the session and be ready for the virtual class. By accessing a session, you can:

  • Guide participants through course materials in a structured way.
  • Engage learners through real-time Q&A, discussions, and collaboration tools.
  • Manage session flow by controlling speaking permissions and content sharing.
  • Troubleshoot technical issues before learners join to ensure a seamless experience.
    This feature is crucial for live training, workshops, and blended learning models.

⚠️ Users can not log virtual class without instructor! #

All users who are planned to join virtual class session should wait their instructors to log into session. Without an instructor, the session will not start.

1. Go to Virtual Class | 7LMS. #

2. Click on “Join the online session” icon of the course you want to join. #

3. Click on Join Meeting. #

4. Your class is ready to start! #