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How to create packages to share courses more easily?

< 1 min read

Sharing your courses is much easier when you group them into a package. You can simply click on the relevant package and share it with your class. For example, Class A can only see courses in Package X, while Class B can only see courses in Package Y.

1. Go to Administration | 7LMS. #

2. Click on Settings. #

3. Click on Packages. #

4. Click on New Package. #

5. Enter a name for the package. #

You can enter the package name and general information about the package in this section.

6. Now, it is time to add courses to your package! #

Click on Add Course.

7. Select the courses you want to include in the package. #

8. Your courses are added to your package successfully. #

You can change the order of the courses within the package.

9. Click on Translate-AI. #

10. Click on Create. #

11. Your package is successfully created. #

12. Click on Active. #

If you select “Inactive,” the package will be deactivated. A deactivated package can no longer be shared with your classes.