View Categories

How to create a category?

< 1 min read

You can assign your courses to different categories. This allows users to select the desired category on the “My Learning” screen and easily filter courses.

1. Click on Administration. #

2. Choose Settings. #

3. Click on Course Category. #

4. Click on New Category. #

5. Enter the name of the new category. #

6. Click on Translate. #

Translate the name of the new category into different languages so users can see it in their native language.

7. Click on Save. #

8. Go to Workspace. #

9. Click on Courses. #

Now, you can create a course and assign it to this category.

10. Click on New Course. #

11. Click on Category. #

12. Select one of the created categories. #

The created category will now be displayed on this screen. Simply choose the desired category and save your course.

13. Click on Save. #

14. Go to My Learning. #

On the “My Learning” screen, users can now filter courses using categories.

💡 Congratulations! #

Your users can now view courses from different categories with just one click.

15. Choose your category and see courses! #

16. Click on All to see all courses. #