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How to manage a participant’s role in a virtual class?

1 min read

Adjusting participant roles in a virtual class helps define responsibilities and streamline interactions. You can assign roles such as presenter, moderator, or attendee, each with different access levels. This ensures that instructors have full control over the session while allowing selected participants to contribute in a structured way. Role management helps maintain order, prevent disruptions, and create an engaging yet controlled learning space.

1. Go to a Virtual class that you have created before. #

2. Click on the participant whose roles you want to edit. #

3. Here are the roles that you can assign. #

4. Click on Start a private chat. #

Send direct messages to individual participants for personalized support, private discussions, or clarifications without disrupting the main session.

5. Click on Give whiteboard access. #

Allow selected users to draw, write, or collaborate on the whiteboard, making sessions more interactive and engaging.

6. Click on Make presenter. #

Assign a participant as the presenter, giving them the ability to lead the class.

7. Click on Promote to moderator. #

Upgrade a participant’s role to moderator, granting them control over session settings, user management, and engagement tools.

8. Click on Lock. #

Restrict certain users from performing actions like unmuting or sharing content to maintain focus and prevent disruptions.

9. Click on Remove user. #

Instantly remove a participant from the session if necessary, ensuring a safe and controlled learning environment.