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How to change status of the course?

1 min read

In 7LMS, courses have three different statuses that determine their availability and editing permissions. Understanding these statuses helps ensure smooth course management.

1️⃣ Processing – Course in progress

  • The course is still being created or updated.
  • It is not visible to learners.
  • Before publishing, make sure all content is finalized.
  • If you want to update an existing course, you must first switch it to Processing .

2️⃣ Approved – Course is live

  • The course is published and available to assigned learners.
  • Once a course is approved , it cannot be edited unless its status is changed back to processing .
  • This ensures that learners always access a finalized version of the course.

3️⃣ Archive – Course is inactive

  • The course is no longer active but remains stored in the system.
  • Learners cannot access archived courses.
  • An archived course can be reactivated by changing its status back to processing or approved .
  • Here is how to approve a course:

1. Go to Workspace | 7LMS. #

2. Click on Courses. #

3. Choose a processing course to change its status and click on “Processing”. #

4. Click on Approved. #

5. Your lesson is successfully approved. #

💡 Would you like to make updates in an approved course? #

If you want to change the status of an Approved course back to Processing , you need to follow the same process.

Simply go to the Course List , select the course with the Approved status, and change it to Processing .

This allows you to make updates or modifications before publishing the course again.

Here is an example 👇

6. Choose the course you want to update and click Approved. #

7. Click on Processing. #

8. Course is now processing! #