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How to upload videos to a lesson?

< 1 min read

Uploading and changing videos in your lessons is a powerful way to enhance the learning experience. Visual and auditory elements can make complex concepts more accessible, engage learners more effectively, and provide real-life examples to support the content. With 7LMS, you have the flexibility to add videos that complement your lessons, making it easier to demonstrate key ideas and skills. Whether it’s for providing a tutorial, showcasing examples, or adding dynamic content to your lessons, 7LMS allows you to seamlessly integrate videos to enrich your lessons and improve overall engagement.

1. Go to Slide | 7LMS. #

2. Click on Media. #

3. Click on Video. #

4. Click on the “Delete” icon on the image. #

5. Click on the icon to add new video. #

6. Click on Public Library. #

If you have video in portal library, you can also search a video in portal library.

7. Write your keywords for video and enter. #

8. Click on the video you choose #

9. Click on the upload icon. #

10. Your video is successfully uploaded! #