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How to customize the text of a slide?

< 1 min read

Customizing the text on a slide is easy and allows you to make your presentation truly your own. You can adjust the title size and style to fit the tone and importance of the content. Also, you can change the title content to match your specific needs.

For the body text, you can modify the font size , content , or alignment to ensure it looks perfect. These styling options give you full control over the text, allowing you to create a polished and professional slide that enhances your lesson.

1. Go to Slide | 7LMS. #

2. Click on Text Area. #

3. Choose the title size. #

4. Customize your title content. #

5. Choose your title style. #

6. Customize your body content. #

7. Choose the size of the body content. #

8. Make adjustments. #

9. Choose the body style. #

10. Click on Save. #

Your changes are succesfully saved!